Welcome to the York Regional Dream Center
Let's make our community a better place - Only by His Grace & All for His glory!
Welcome to the York Regional Dream Center
Let's make our community a better place - Only by His Grace & All for His glory!
Let's make our community a better place - Only by His Grace & All for His glory!
Let's make our community a better place - Only by His Grace & All for His glory!
The York Regional Dream Center is a family of Christ-followers serving those in our local area. Taking care of our neighbors makes for a stronger community. We are called to love one another, as Christ loves us!
Will you join us?
Meeting Needs, Building Relationships, By HIS Grace & for HIS Glory!
We are a community-based organization focused on creating a greater impact on those in our community - Not social justice for the sake of social justice, but a community of love and support to make famous the name of Jesus!
Are you interested in joining what God is doing through the York Regional Dream Center? Let us know! We are always looking for more people to join our teams! We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits your personality and passion. Whether it’s knocking on a door to offer help in one of our Adopt-a-Block neighborhoods, processing clothing donations for the Community Closet, or serving a meal at the Harvest Café, there’s an opportunity for everyone to serve! We seek to be used by God as a unifying force for the one true church of Jesus – going out together to make His name famous!
Whether you help through donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish what God is doing without the help of supporters & volunteers like you.
Copyright © 2024 York Dream Center - All Rights Reserved.
Contact us! 717-235-7474